P. James Schuck is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Columbia University. He earned his B.A. in Physics at UC Berkeley and his Ph.D. in Applied Physics at Yale University. Jim then did his postdoctoral studies with Prof. W. E. Moerner at Stanford University, studying optical nanoantennas and single-molecule spectroscopy. The Schuck group aims to characterize, understand and control nanoscale light-matter interactions, with a primary focus on sensing, engineering and exploiting novel optoelectronic phenomena emerging from nanostructures and interfaces. This offers unprecedented opportunities for developing innovative devices that rely on the dynamic manipulation of single photons and charge carriers. We are continuously developing new spectroscopic methods that provide unique access to optical, electrical, and structural properties at relevant length scales in real environments encountered in energy and biological applications. Current research interests include the investigation and applications of nano-optics, 2D materials and upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs).
Principal Investigator